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Benjamin C. Kinney
Benjamin C. Kinney is a neuroscientist and SFF writer who lives in St. Louis with three cats and a Martian wife. He has been a finalist for the Hugo and Ignyte awards as assistant editor of Escape Pod, the internet's premier audio science fiction magazine. His stories have previously appeared in Analog, Strange Horizons, Fantasy Magazine, and more. Learn more about him at http://benjaminckinney.com or follow him on Twitter @BenCKinney.
Elian Crane
Elian Crane's fiction can also be found in Aliterate Magazine. He writes in the Pacific Northwest, from beside a bay, where whales and stranger creatures move beneath the waves.
Payne, Michael
My stories have appeared in Asimov's, the Writers of the Future anthology, and eleven of the last twelve volumes of Sword & Sorceress. I've had poems published in Silver Blade, Gathering Storm, and several Rhysling Award anthologies, and I post four pages of webcomics a week. Check hyniof.com for further details.
Picchi, Aimee
I was published at Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores
Pohl, John
I was published at Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores
Power, Stephen
Stephen S. Power's novel, "The Dragon Round," was recently published by Simon & Schuster. His short fiction has appeared most recently at "Amazing Stories," "Daily Science Fiction," "Lightspeed," and "Unnerving." He's also a Pushcart-nominated poet who tweets at @stephenspower, whose site is stephenspower.com, and who lives in Maplewood, NJ.rn
Ratkovic, Bojan
About me I was born in 1987 in the former Yugoslavia, and my family and I were refugees during the Yugoslav Civil Wars that took place from 1991-1995. I now live in Ontario, Canada. My fiction has appeared in Every Day Fiction, Great Lakes Review, Danforth Review, Fiction Vortex, and on the World SF Blog. I am pursuing a PhD in political philosophy from the University of Western Ontario. On Twitter @Bojan_Ratkovic.
Ray, Michael
Michael Ray teaches history and government. He and his spouse live in north Alabama with dogs and turtles and more books than they can count. Michael has worked as a historian, a Russian linguist-intel analyst, a corporate manager, a university honors program advisor, a coach, a broadcaster, an Apple employee, and as editor of Redstone Science Fiction. He was most recently been published in Cirsova magazine. Visit him online at gatetree.com.
Reeves-McMillan, Mike
Reiss, Alter
I was published at Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores
Riddle, Silvatiicus
Silvatiicus Riddle (He/They) is a twice Rhysling-Nominated Dark Fantasy & Speculative Fiction Writer and Poet. He hails from the city of Gotham, where he hosts a glaring of chthonic gods disguised as cats, a hoard of books, and all of his imaginary friends. He studied English and Literature at Kingsborough. His poetry has appeared in Abyss & Apex, Dreams & Nightmares, Enchanted Living, Eternal Haunted Summer, and Spectral Realms, among others. His fiction has appeared in Apex Magazine's â??Strange Locationsâ?? anthology, as well as several editions of Weird Fiction Quarterly. His newsletter, â??The Goblin's Reliquaryâ??, focuses on utilizing fantasy, folklore, and myth to combat entropy and despair. You may find more of his work at: http://linktr.ee/silvatiicusriddle
Rookyard, Mark
Mark Rookyard lives in Yorkshire, England. He likes running long distances and writing short stories.
Roosa, Joel
Row, Ryan
Ryan Row lives in Oakland California with a beautiful and mysterious woman. His short fiction has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Quarterly West, Shimmer, Bayou Magazine, Clarksworld, and elsewhere. He is a winner of The Writers of the Future Award and holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. You can find him online at ryanrow.com
Russell, Adams
Russ Adams has been writing all his life in various forms, mainly short stories and novels but there are a few plays as well. The impulse to create stories originated at twelve when, at his grandmother's funeral, he encountered his first SF magazine. It was love at first sight.

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